湖北恩施学院2022年普通专升本考试大纲 英语专业《基础英语3》科目考试大纲
2022-03-20 12:30湖北恩施学院浏览:12次
Unit One Your College Years
1.VocabularyandGrammar in the Text
2.Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text)
3.Translation (Exercises)
4. Rhetorical devices (text)
5. Writing
Unit Three A Dill Pickle
1.Vocabulary and grammar in the Text
2.Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text)
3.Translation (Exercises)
4. Writing
Unit 5 Silent Spring
1.Vocabulary and grammar in the Text
2.Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text)
3.Translation (Exercises)
4. Writing
Unit 12 The Most Dangerous Game
1.Vocabulary and grammar in the Text
2.Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text)
3.Translation (Exercises)
4. Writing
1.题型结构:题型有 选择题、填空题、分析题、简答题四类,其中选择题占20%,填空题占30%,分析题占10%,简答题占40%。满分为150分。
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